In Loving Memory

Patricia Noyes Fox

March 17, 1919-December 23, 2002

Pat in her garden

Click here for pictures from the weekend of her memorial.

Click here for pictures of the memorial brick at the First Parish Church in Lexington, MA and the memorial bench at the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord, MA.

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Pat with her father, DeWitt Clinton Noyes

Pat as a toddler

Pat with her dog

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Pat with her 4 older sisters - Isabel, Janet, Peggy and LeMoyne

Isabel, Peggy, Janet, LeMoyne, Pat and Joan

Seated: Pat, Peggy, LeMoyne, Joan, Isabel, standing: Janet

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Pat after a day of hunting

Back row: Pat, LeMoyne, Peggy
Front row: Joan, Ann Jack, Isabel, Janet

1938, high school yearbook picture, the Brearley School

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1942, college yearbook picture, Smith College

1942 wedding to John O'Neill

Pat and John

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1944, Pat and Janet join the Red Cross

1945, Hawaii

Pat, Janet and Joan in Japan

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1951 wedding to Bertrand Fox

3 kids followed quickly

to join the 3 from Bert's first marriage

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Pat was more often behind the camera than in front of it

Mid-60's in Sunapee NH

Late 60's with Jack, Ann, Peggy, LeMoyne, Janet and Isabel

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1978 in Columbia

1978, Columbia

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1980, Pat and Bert at home in the jungle

Pat and Mary Baird birding


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Birding, 1980


Maine, with 3 kids, 1987

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Portrait by Peter, 1987

1988 in Washington for Bert's 80th birthday

In Calofirnia for Susan and Peter's wedding

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MumPat & Joan

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On the porch at the Hayes Ave. house

With Joan at her 80th birthday party

2000 after Bert's memorial service

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Last edited July 21, 2007