Anne (?)1
b. date unknown, d. after 1652
Anne's birth date is unknown.2 She married Edward Dorsey, son of Edward Darsey, before 1642 in Colony of Virginia estimated.1 Anne (?) died after 1652. Anne Dorsey is thought to have outlived her husband and to have returned to their former home in Virginia.1
She and Edward Dorsey immigrated in 1642, arriving in Colony of Virginia, now Norfolk County. His name appears in deeds and land patents in Lower Norfolk County, Virginia between 1642 and 1648.1
She and Edward Dorsey immigrated in 1642, arriving in Colony of Virginia, now Norfolk County. His name appears in deeds and land patents in Lower Norfolk County, Virginia between 1642 and 1648.1
Children of Anne (?) and Edward Dorsey
Sarah Dorsey+1 b. c 1642, d. b 1691
- Col. Edward Dorsey+1 b. 1646, d. 12 Mar 1705
- Joshua Dorsey3 b. b 1649, d. 1688
- John Dorsey+2 b. c 1650, d. 1714
Last Edited=24 Jan 2015
Joshua Dorsey1
b. before 1649, d. 1688
Joshua Dorsey was born before 1649.2,3 He was the son of Edward Dorsey and Anne (?)4,5 Joshua Dorsey married Sarah Richardson.2 Joshua Dorsey died in 1688 in Province of Maryland.2
Last Edited=1 Mar 2007
Sarah Richardson1
b. circa 1640, d. 1705
Sarah Richardson was born circa 1640 (estimated). She was the daughter of Lawrence and Elizabeth Richardson.1 She married Joshua Dorsey, son of Edward Dorsey and Anne (?).1 Sarah Richardson died in 1705.1
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
Last Edited=28 Nov 2006
John Dorsey1
b. circa 1650, d. 1714
John Dorsey was born circa 1650.1 He was the son of Edward Dorsey and Anne (?)1,2 John Dorsey married Pleasance Ely before 1685.1 John Dorsey died in 1714 in Troy, Province of Maryland, now Howard County.1
He left a will in 1714.1
He left a will in 1714.1
Children of John Dorsey and Pleasance Ely
- Deborah Dorsey1 b. c 1685, d. b 1752
- Edward Dorsey+2 b. c 1685, d. 1701
- Caleb Dorsey+1 b. 11 Nov 1685, d. 1742
Last Edited=3 Apr 2005
Pleasance Ely1
b. circa 1640, d. before 14 August 1734
Pleasance Ely was born circa 1640 (estimated.)2 She married as her first husband John Dorsey, son of Edward Dorsey and Anne (?), before 1685.1 Pleasance Ely married Thomas Wainright as her second husband on 30 November 1722.1 She died before 14 August 1734.1
Children of Pleasance Ely and John Dorsey
- Deborah Dorsey1 b. c 1685, d. b 1752
- Edward Dorsey+2 b. c 1685, d. 1701
- Caleb Dorsey+1 b. 11 Nov 1685, d. 1742
Last Edited=8 Sep 2005
Col. Edward Dorsey1
b. 1646, d. 12 March 1705
Col. Edward Dorsey was born in 1646 in Province of Maryland.2,3,4 He was the son of Edward Dorsey and Anne (?)1 Col. Edward Dorsey married as his first wife Sarah Wyatt before 1686.2,1 Col. Edward Dorsey married as his second wife Margaret Ruth Larkin, daughter of John Larkin and Katherine (?), in 1693.2,3 Col. Edward Dorsey died on 12 March 1705 in Province of Maryland.1,3
He left a will on 26 October 1704.1 His will was proved/probated on 31 December 1705.1
He left a will on 26 October 1704.1 His will was proved/probated on 31 December 1705.1
Child of Col. Edward Dorsey and Sarah Wyatt
- Joshua Dorsey+1 b. 1686, d. 8 Nov 1747
- [S616] The Dorsey Family, online.
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
- [S71] Rob Robertson, "Reineckes/Robertsons and other famous people", Feb. 16, 2002, unverified.
- [S225] Kathy Alvis Patterson, "Ancestors of Kathy Alvis Patterson", Nov. 29, 2001, unverified.
Last Edited=1 Mar 2007
Sarah Wyatt1,2
b. 1657, d. circa 1690
Sarah Wyatt was born in 1657. She was the daughter of Nicholas and Damaris Wyatt.1,3 She married Col. Edward Dorsey, son of Edward Dorsey and Anne (?), before 1686.1,2 Sarah Wyatt died circa 1690.1
Child of Sarah Wyatt and Col. Edward Dorsey
- Joshua Dorsey+2 b. 1686, d. 8 Nov 1747
Last Edited=3 Apr 2005
John Hammond1
b. 5 December 1643, d. 24 November 1707
John Hammond was born on 5 December 1643 in Isle of Wight, England.1 He was the son of Ralph Hammond.2 John Hammond married Mary Howard, daughter of Matthew Howard and Anne Hall, before 1660.1 John Hammond died on 24 November 1707 in Annapolis, Province of Maryland, at age 63.1 He was buried on 29 November 1707 in St. Anne's Churchyard, Annapolis, Province of Maryland.3,4,5

He may have been a descendant of Dr. John Hammond, court physician to James I.4 He immigrated before 1663. He traveled with the "surveyor" Thomas Hammond.4 He left a will on 11 November 1707. Last Will and Testament of John HAMMOND (1707); Anne Arundel Co., MD
Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Joseph H. Howard
Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved.
John Hammond (d.1707)
Anne Arundel County MD
Maryland Hall of Records
Liber 12, folio 184 (Microfilm SR 4406-1)
Also original will is located in Box H, Folder 15
Written 11 November 1707
Codicil 13 November 1707
Proved 4 December 1707
In the Name of God Amen I John Hammond of Annarundell County being sick and
weake of body but of sound and pfect minde and memory praised by Almighty God for it
do make this my Last will and Testament revoaking & Making Void all other former will
and Wills Ever by me made I Commend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it
hopeing for me through the merritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer my body to its Mother
Earth to be buried as my Executors hereafter named shall see fit
And as to the Worldly Goods it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with I give and
bequeath as follows
I give my Loving wife Mary Hammond my now Dwelling Plantation with the Lands
thereunto belonging Called Mountany Neck Cont two hundred and fifty acres also the
addition thereunto adjoining Cont. twenty two acres for and in Consideracon of her
Dower In my Real Estate
I give my Eldest son Thomas Hamond my said Dwelling Plantation and the Land
thereunto belonging Called Mountany Neck Cont. two hundred and fifty acres and also
the Addition adjoining to the same Cont. twenty two acres after the Decease of my wife
Mary to him and his heires forever and also as tract of Land and the Plantation he now
lives on in Patapscoe called Heath Cont. two hundred & Twenty acres and also a tract
there Called Wheatley neck Cont. one hundred acres to him and his heires forever
I give unto my son John Hammond the plantation he now lives on the north side Severne
and the Lands thereunto belonging being Part of Swan neck Which said Tract I divide
between him and my son William since both are Seated thereon my said son Johns Part to
be thus Divided Beginning in the line of said Land next Crouches being the North West
Side of said tract and running to the Divideings of the Magetty Branch behind Wm
Hamonds and Francis Meades and from the Bottom of the Neck of the said Divideing of
said branch to run by Rowles his Oake and Meads popler till it strikes the Line on the
East side sd Tract now Called Matthew Howards Line being all that part of said Tract
towards Severne River Also Horners one hundred acres I bought of Thomas Reynolds
also the fifty acres in his pasture Called the Adventure Also fifty acres Called Forked
Neck all wch said Lands & Plantation to him and his heires forever
Item I give my son Wm Hammond the Plantation he Lives on and the rest of the Tract
Called Swan Neck on his side the Before mentioned Divideing line also a tract Called
Strawberry Plain Cont. one hundred acres also a tract Called the Addicon Cont. four
hundred acres adjoining or near Swan neck, more or less also a tract Called Brushy Neck
Cont fifty acres all wch said & Plantacon to him and his heires forever
Item I give my son Charles Hammond my Plantation Called Flushing wth the Land
belonging Cont. one hundred acres more or less also a tract called Deep Creek Poynt
(both on the north side Severne) the Last Cont. fifty a. also a tract called Rich Neck at
Patuxent river Cont. two hundred Eighty four acres also Hamonds forrest Cont. three
hundred sixty two acres all Which said Lands and Plantations to him & his heirs for ever
Item I give my three sons John, Wm and Charles Hamond all my houses Lotts and
Comonage at Annapolis Joyntly between them & their heirs for ever
Item I give to St Anns Church att Annapolis Ten pounds ster
Item I give to my son Thomas Hammond Seaventy five pounds ster money for him to
Invest in Land
Item I do hereby make ordain Constitute & appoint my four sons Thomas, John, William
& Charles Hammond to be my Joynt Executors of this my Last will and Testament giving
unto them all my Clear personall Estate to be Equally Divided among them
Dated ye 11th Day of Novr 1707 John Hamond (Seal)
Signed Sealed Published & Declared to be the Last will & Testamt in me Prsents of us
John Brice
Henry Pinkney
Eliza (her A marke) Abrahams
To the aforegoing will was annexed the following Codicill Viz
Also my will is that the Sundry Legacies to my four Sons as under Written in this
Codicill or Suplementall will which I do Desire may have the same force & Effect in Law
as if the same had been Included & Incerted in the body of my Said Will hereunto
annexed may be to them first paid and Delivered after my Decease in manner and forme
following Viz
Item I give my Eldest son Thomas Hammond two Negroes Boys named Harry & young
Item I give my son John Hamond two Negroes named Jack & James
Item I give my son William Hammond two Negroes named Roger & Dick
Item I give my son Charles Hammond two Negroes named Sampson & Little James
John Hamond (seale)
This Codicill or after Will I do hereby signe seale & Deliver Publish & Declare to
Containe and be part of my Last Will & Testamt Dated 13th Nov. 1707
In the Presents of us Jno Gresham, John Brice, Jno Rattenbury
On the Back of the aforegoing Will was thus Written Viz
December ye 4th 1707 John Brice & Henry Pinckney Gent makes oath that they saw the
wthin menconed John Hamond the Testator signe & Seale the within Instrument as his
Last Will & Testamt also publish & Declare the same so to be that at the time of his so
doing he was of sound & pfect minde & memory to the best of their Knowledge
Jurat Coram me Tho Bordley Dty Comsy
Dec ye 8th 1707
Eliza Abrahams the other Evidence makes oath as above before me. Tho Bordley Dty

He may have been a descendant of Dr. John Hammond, court physician to James I.4 He immigrated before 1663. He traveled with the "surveyor" Thomas Hammond.4 He left a will on 11 November 1707. Last Will and Testament of John HAMMOND (1707); Anne Arundel Co., MD
Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Joseph H. Howard
Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved.
John Hammond (d.1707)
Anne Arundel County MD
Maryland Hall of Records
Liber 12, folio 184 (Microfilm SR 4406-1)
Also original will is located in Box H, Folder 15
Written 11 November 1707
Codicil 13 November 1707
Proved 4 December 1707
In the Name of God Amen I John Hammond of Annarundell County being sick and
weake of body but of sound and pfect minde and memory praised by Almighty God for it
do make this my Last will and Testament revoaking & Making Void all other former will
and Wills Ever by me made I Commend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it
hopeing for me through the merritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer my body to its Mother
Earth to be buried as my Executors hereafter named shall see fit
And as to the Worldly Goods it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with I give and
bequeath as follows
I give my Loving wife Mary Hammond my now Dwelling Plantation with the Lands
thereunto belonging Called Mountany Neck Cont two hundred and fifty acres also the
addition thereunto adjoining Cont. twenty two acres for and in Consideracon of her
Dower In my Real Estate
I give my Eldest son Thomas Hamond my said Dwelling Plantation and the Land
thereunto belonging Called Mountany Neck Cont. two hundred and fifty acres and also
the Addition adjoining to the same Cont. twenty two acres after the Decease of my wife
Mary to him and his heires forever and also as tract of Land and the Plantation he now
lives on in Patapscoe called Heath Cont. two hundred & Twenty acres and also a tract
there Called Wheatley neck Cont. one hundred acres to him and his heires forever
I give unto my son John Hammond the plantation he now lives on the north side Severne
and the Lands thereunto belonging being Part of Swan neck Which said Tract I divide
between him and my son William since both are Seated thereon my said son Johns Part to
be thus Divided Beginning in the line of said Land next Crouches being the North West
Side of said tract and running to the Divideings of the Magetty Branch behind Wm
Hamonds and Francis Meades and from the Bottom of the Neck of the said Divideing of
said branch to run by Rowles his Oake and Meads popler till it strikes the Line on the
East side sd Tract now Called Matthew Howards Line being all that part of said Tract
towards Severne River Also Horners one hundred acres I bought of Thomas Reynolds
also the fifty acres in his pasture Called the Adventure Also fifty acres Called Forked
Neck all wch said Lands & Plantation to him and his heires forever
Item I give my son Wm Hammond the Plantation he Lives on and the rest of the Tract
Called Swan Neck on his side the Before mentioned Divideing line also a tract Called
Strawberry Plain Cont. one hundred acres also a tract Called the Addicon Cont. four
hundred acres adjoining or near Swan neck, more or less also a tract Called Brushy Neck
Cont fifty acres all wch said & Plantacon to him and his heires forever
Item I give my son Charles Hammond my Plantation Called Flushing wth the Land
belonging Cont. one hundred acres more or less also a tract called Deep Creek Poynt
(both on the north side Severne) the Last Cont. fifty a. also a tract called Rich Neck at
Patuxent river Cont. two hundred Eighty four acres also Hamonds forrest Cont. three
hundred sixty two acres all Which said Lands and Plantations to him & his heirs for ever
Item I give my three sons John, Wm and Charles Hamond all my houses Lotts and
Comonage at Annapolis Joyntly between them & their heirs for ever
Item I give to St Anns Church att Annapolis Ten pounds ster
Item I give to my son Thomas Hammond Seaventy five pounds ster money for him to
Invest in Land
Item I do hereby make ordain Constitute & appoint my four sons Thomas, John, William
& Charles Hammond to be my Joynt Executors of this my Last will and Testament giving
unto them all my Clear personall Estate to be Equally Divided among them
Dated ye 11th Day of Novr 1707 John Hamond (Seal)
Signed Sealed Published & Declared to be the Last will & Testamt in me Prsents of us
John Brice
Henry Pinkney
Eliza (her A marke) Abrahams
To the aforegoing will was annexed the following Codicill Viz
Also my will is that the Sundry Legacies to my four Sons as under Written in this
Codicill or Suplementall will which I do Desire may have the same force & Effect in Law
as if the same had been Included & Incerted in the body of my Said Will hereunto
annexed may be to them first paid and Delivered after my Decease in manner and forme
following Viz
Item I give my Eldest son Thomas Hammond two Negroes Boys named Harry & young
Item I give my son John Hamond two Negroes named Jack & James
Item I give my son William Hammond two Negroes named Roger & Dick
Item I give my son Charles Hammond two Negroes named Sampson & Little James
John Hamond (seale)
This Codicill or after Will I do hereby signe seale & Deliver Publish & Declare to
Containe and be part of my Last Will & Testamt Dated 13th Nov. 1707
In the Presents of us Jno Gresham, John Brice, Jno Rattenbury
On the Back of the aforegoing Will was thus Written Viz
December ye 4th 1707 John Brice & Henry Pinckney Gent makes oath that they saw the
wthin menconed John Hamond the Testator signe & Seale the within Instrument as his
Last Will & Testamt also publish & Declare the same so to be that at the time of his so
doing he was of sound & pfect minde & memory to the best of their Knowledge
Jurat Coram me Tho Bordley Dty Comsy
Dec ye 8th 1707
Eliza Abrahams the other Evidence makes oath as above before me. Tho Bordley Dty
Children of John Hammond and Mary Howard
- Col. Thomas Hammond+1 b. 1660, d. 1724
John Hammond+1 b. 1668, d. 9 Feb 1742/43
- William Hammond1 b. c 1670, d. 20 Jan 1710
- Rachel Hammond2 b. c 1672, d. date unknown
- Maj. Charles Hammond+1 b. c 1676, d. 23 Nov 1713
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
- [S211] Bill Lyman, "Descendants of Richard Lyman and Sarah Osborne", Mar. 3, 2002, unverified.
- [S219] Colonial genealogies, online.
- [S220] Welsh/Hyatt, online.
- [S653] Biography/Burial Data, online
- [S1132] Will.
Last Edited=1 Jul 2016
Col. Thomas Hammond1
b. 1660, d. 1724
Col. Thomas Hammond was born in 1660 in Province of Maryland.2,3,4 He was the son of John Hammond and Mary Howard.2 Col. Thomas Hammond married as his first wife Rebecca Larkin, daughter of John Larkin and Katherine (?), on 30 July 1689 in Province of Maryland other children: Susanna, Lawrence and Henry, no dates.3,4 Col. Thomas Hammond married Mary Heath as his second wife. They had 8 children. on 20 July 1694 in Province of Maryland.2,4 He died in 1724 in Baltimore, Province of Maryland.2,4,1
Children of Col. Thomas Hammond and Rebecca Larkin
- Thomas Hammond4 b. 1690, d. date unknown
- Helen Hammond+1 b. 2 Jan 1689/90, d. 1724
- John Hammond4 b. 1693, d. c 1739
- William Hammond5 b. 1702, d. Jan 1752
- [S616] The Dorsey Family, online.
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
- [S211] Bill Lyman, "Descendants of Richard Lyman and Sarah Osborne", Mar. 3, 2002, unverified.
- [S212] James Hankins, "Early Southside Virginia Families", Apr. 18, 2002, unverified.
- [S219] Colonial genealogies, online.
Last Edited=1 Mar 2007
William Hammond1
b. circa 1670, d. 20 January 1710
William Hammond was born circa 1670.1 He was the son of John Hammond and Mary Howard.1 William Hammond married He married Elizabeth date unknown.1 He died on 20 January 1710.1,2
Last Edited=8 Sep 2005
Maj. Charles Hammond1
b. circa 1676, d. 23 November 1713
Maj. Charles Hammond was born circa 1676 in Mountain Neck, Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland.1,2 He was the son of John Hammond and Mary Howard.1 Maj. Charles Hammond married Hannah Howard, daughter of Philip Howard and Ruth Baldwin, circa 1690.1,2 Maj. Charles Hammond died on 23 November 1713.1,2
Child of Maj. Charles Hammond and Hannah Howard
- Mahitabal Hammond1 b. c 1700, d. date unknown
Last Edited=2 May 2002
John MacCubbin1
b. 1630/31, d. 21 September 1685
John MacCubbin was born in 1630/31 in Knockdolian, Ayrshire, Scotland.1 He was the son of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black.1 John MacCubbin married as his first wife Sarah Howard circa 1665.2 John MacCubbin married as his second wife Elinor Carroll in 1669 in Province of Maryland at the Quaker Fall Meeting.1 John MacCubbin died on 21 September 1685 in Province of Maryland.3 He was buried in Brampton, Province of Maryland.3
John was also known as McAlpine.2 John was also known as McCubbins. He immigrated in 1659.2 He left a will on 21 September 1685.4
John was also known as McAlpine.2 John was also known as McCubbins. He immigrated in 1659.2 He left a will on 21 September 1685.4
Children of John MacCubbin and Sarah Howard
- John McCubbin1 b. c 1666, d. date unknown
- Samuel McCubbin1 b. a 1667, d. date unknown
- Elizabeth McCubbin1 b. c 1669, d. date unknown
Children of John MacCubbin and Elinor Carroll
- Sarah McCubbin5,1 b. 1672, d. 22 Apr 1716
Zacharias MacCubbin+3,1 b. 4 Dec 1674, d. 4 Dec 1753
- William McCubbin1 b. 1675, d. c 1748
- Moses McCubbin1 b. 1681, d. 17 Apr 1733
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Elinor Carroll1
b. date unknown, d. 10 July 1711
Elinor Carroll was born date unknown. She may have been born in Maryland and maybe in Ireland. Numerous on-line databases give her birthdate as 1632 but that would have make her almost 50 at the birth of her last child and seems unkilely. She married as her first husband John MacCubbin , son of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black, in 1669 in Province of Maryland at the Quaker Fall Meeting.2 Elinor Carroll married as her second husband John Howard , son of Matthew Howard and Anne Hall, after 1685.3 Elinor Carroll died on 10 July 1711 in Province of Maryland.1,4
Elinor was also known as Eleanor.1
Several versions of her ancestry can be found on line, with her father listed as either Anthony or Charles. All are suspect. She was most likely related to Dr. Charles Carroll and James Carroll of All Hallows Parish as they witnessed her will in 1711. Based on her age, she may have been a cousin or Aunt.3
Elinor was also known as Eleanor.1
Several versions of her ancestry can be found on line, with her father listed as either Anthony or Charles. All are suspect. She was most likely related to Dr. Charles Carroll and James Carroll of All Hallows Parish as they witnessed her will in 1711. Based on her age, she may have been a cousin or Aunt.3
Children of Elinor Carroll and John MacCubbin
- Sarah McCubbin3 b. 1672, d. 22 Apr 1716
Zacharias MacCubbin+1 b. 4 Dec 1674, d. 4 Dec 1753
- William McCubbin1 b. 1675, d. c 1748
- Moses McCubbin1 b. 1681, d. 17 Apr 1733
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Elizabeth McCubbin1
b. circa 1669, d. date unknown
Elizabeth McCubbin was born circa 1669 in Brampton, Province of Maryland.1,2 She was the daughter of John MacCubbin and Sarah Howard.3,1 Her death date has not been found.
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Samuel McCubbin1
b. after 1667, d. date unknown
Samuel McCubbin was born after 1667.1,2 He was the son of John MacCubbin and Sarah Howard.3,1 His death date has not been found.
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Sarah McCubbin1
b. 1672, d. 22 April 1716
Sarah McCubbin was born in 1672 in Province of Maryland, now Prince George's County.1 She was the daughter of John MacCubbin and Elinor Carroll.1,2 Sarah McCubbin married William Griffith circa 1687 in Middle Neck Parish, Province of Maryland.3,1 Sarah McCubbin died on 22 April 1716 in Province of Maryland.4
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
William McCubbin1
b. 1675, d. circa 1748
William McCubbin was born in 1675 in Province of Maryland.1 He was the son of John MacCubbin and Elinor Carroll.2,1 William McCubbin died circa 1748 in Province of Maryland.1
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Moses McCubbin1
b. 1681, d. 17 April 1733
Moses McCubbin was born in 1681 in Province of Maryland.1 He was the son of John MacCubbin and Elinor Carroll.2,1 Moses McCubbin died on 17 April 1733 in Province of Maryland.1
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
John McCubbin1
b. circa 1666, d. date unknown
John McCubbin was born circa 1666.1,2 He was the son of John MacCubbin and Sarah Howard.3,1 His death date has not been found.
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Sir John MacCubbin1
b. circa 1602, d. 1686
Sir John MacCubbin was born circa 1602 in Scotland.1 He was the son of John MacCubbin and Ceit MacGowen.1 Sir John MacCubbin married Sarah MacGregor Black before 1629 in Scotland.1 Sir John MacCubbin died in 1686 in Scotland.1
Children of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black
- (?) MacCubbin1 b. c 1629, d. date unknown
John MacCubbin+2 b. 1630/31, d. 21 Sep 1685
- Richard McCubbins1 b. c 1633, d. date unknown
- James McCubbins1 b. c 1635, d. date unknown
- Fergus McCubbins1 b. c 1637, d. date unknown
- Anne McCubbins1 b. c 1639, d. date unknown
- Richard McCubbins1 b. c 1641, d. date unknown
- Margaret McCubbins1 b. c 1645, d. date unknown
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
Sarah MacGregor Black1
b. circa 1608, d. date unknown
Sarah MacGregor Black was born circa 1608 in Scotland.1 She married Sir John MacCubbin, son of John MacCubbin and Ceit MacGowen, before 1629 in Scotland.1 Her death date has not been found. She died in Scotland.1
Children of Sarah MacGregor Black and Sir John MacCubbin
- (?) MacCubbin1 b. c 1629, d. date unknown
John MacCubbin+2 b. 1630/31, d. 21 Sep 1685
- Richard McCubbins1 b. c 1633, d. date unknown
- James McCubbins1 b. c 1635, d. date unknown
- Fergus McCubbins1 b. c 1637, d. date unknown
- Anne McCubbins1 b. c 1639, d. date unknown
- Richard McCubbins1 b. c 1641, d. date unknown
- Margaret McCubbins1 b. c 1645, d. date unknown
Last Edited=24 Jun 2019
(?) MacCubbin1
b. circa 1629, d. date unknown
(?) MacCubbin was born circa 1629 in Ayrshire, Scotland.1 (?) MacCubbin was the child of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black.1 His death date has not been found.
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
Last Edited=22 Nov 2006
Richard McCubbins1
b. circa 1633, d. date unknown
Richard McCubbins was born circa 1633 in Scotland.1 He was the son of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black.1 His death date has not been found. He died in Virginia.1
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
Last Edited=24 Mar 2007
James McCubbins1
b. circa 1635, d. date unknown
James McCubbins was born circa 1635 in Ayrshire, Scotland.1 He was the son of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black.1 His death date has not been found.
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
Last Edited=22 Nov 2006
Fergus McCubbins1
b. circa 1637, d. date unknown
Fergus McCubbins was born circa 1637 in Ayrshire, Scotland.1 He was the son of Sir John MacCubbin and Sarah MacGregor Black.1 His death date has not been found.
- [S206] Larry Soule, "Larry Soule's Genealogy File", Mar. 13, 2002, unverified.
Last Edited=22 Nov 2006