Everyone told us we were nuts to go to Arizona in July, and it was unbelivably hot (115 the day we arrived)! We had a great time though, with some days birding on our own and some with trips that were part of the American BIrding Association convention. Here are a few images - click on each thumbnail to enlarge it.
A few images from Taliesin West, built by Frank Lloyd Wright and his apprentices. It was 115 degrees!
The view north from Taliesin
Sonoran Desert
Prickly pear flowers |
The Santa Catalina Mountains, north of Tucson
Saguaro Cactus
The view out our hotel window - this is Mount Lemmon |
Beatty's Guest Ranch in Miller Canyon - this is the lower of the 3 hummingbird feeding stations
Marty and a few other folk watching hummingbirds
A male Black-chinned and a couple of female Anna's hummingbirds. |
Another male Broadtailed. |
3 Anna's |
The Blue-throated, Magnificent and Lucifer Hummingbirds did not stay still long enough to get photographed, and the lone Calliope came and went so fast that only a few in the group got to see him - Marty was one of the lucky ones. There was also a Magnificent-Berryline hybrid, so it was an 11 hummer species day! |
We were surprised by how much was lush and green in the midst of the desert.
The famous Patagonia Roadside Rest - where we found a pair of nesting Rose-Throated Becard
Summer monsoon rains in the distance |
Sunrise on Mount Lemmon in the Santa Catalina Mountains
Some of our group
Mount Lemmon
More of the group hunting for some elusive bird |
The view from the top of Mount Lemmon
Yes, this is Tucson - the habitat at the top of the mountains is more like the top of the Rockies instead of the desert! |